The Reading Habits of Highly Successful People

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We are aware of physical workouts and their health benefits for our survival. But reading as one of the best mental workouts is still unknown to many. The impact reading has on our brain and life is immense.

Reading has the potential to rewire our brains and our thinking process in a better way. It can change and expand our perspective on life by giving us exposure and experiencing a diverse world. Mark Cuban shared that reading gives him confidence in his business and comfort. The reading habit of Tony Robbins helped him survive his insulting childhood and shaped him into a leader.

Making reading a passion or priority expands your knowledge and imagination, gives a new look to preconceived notions, and builds self-confidence.

Different Reading Habits of Successful People

Many successful people in different spheres, from business leaders and politicians to celebrities, share a common trait. For them, reading is not just a hobby but is their way of life. 

Elon Musk read science-fiction novels for up to 10 hours a day to teach himself physics and rocket science before forming Tesla. A desire to acquire knowledge and a specific goal led him to build rockets just by reading. 

Warren Buffet is a high-volume reader. He makes many big money decisions based on the knowledge gained through his reading habit. He spends almost 80 percent of his day reading, helping him think and analyze any situation and stop making impulsive decisions in business. 

Albert Einstein said, “Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking.” He was a voracious reader reading books on maths and science for hours. 

Objectives and Results Out of Everyday Reading

Diving yourself into the world of books and making it your passion or priority can yield several benefits. 

Expand Imagination and Creativity

Reading stimulates our imagination and exposes us to a different world of adventure. Stories are one of the creative art forms that improve our creativity. Even non-fiction memoirs and autobiographies help us imagine different real-life scenarios. 

Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence

When we navigate to different characters and their experience, it helps us relate to our real-life situations. Understanding the world around us and ways to deal with challenges improves our self-awareness and emotional intelligence.


Reading gives ideas and strategies to deal with complex situations. When we envelop ourselves in the hardship and challenges of the protagonist and how they overcome them help boosts our self-esteem and confidence. 

Improve Focus and Knowledge

The art of quickly learning complicated things requires the ability to focus without distraction. And reading for long hours helps improve concentration and focus. Books are an in-depth source of knowledge, and reading several books increases our expertise and knowledge.

What Neural Changes Happen When We Read

Neuroscience says that reading improves our brain, making it work better. Obsessive reading can rewire how our brain thinks and process it in a better way. 

Boosts Emotional Quotient (EQ)

Studies like ‘Reading the Mind in the Eye-test’ measure empathy and found that children who read fiction are likely to help strangers and practice altruism. Understanding the perspective of others boosts our EQ.

Reduces Stress

Reading fiction or non-fiction books provides temporary relaxation from personal issues. Focus on reading decreases muscle tension and stress level. 

Improves Problem-Solving Skills

Reading impacts the brain waves and strengthens our ability to imagine alternative paths, think through complex problems, and improve our problem-solving skills. 

Make Reading Part of Your Daily Activity to Achieve Success

Reading is a mental activity that changes our overall personality and perspective toward life. Therefore, make reading your daily activity to achieve success. The Story Cabinet (TSC) provides a platform to bring readers and writers together who have a passion for stories. The initiative by TSC is contributing to grooming readers with an immense source of material and impactful writers.

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The Story Cabinet (TSC) is a phone-based short story platform – marrying the versatility of smartphones to make it a tool for creating, sharing, and discovering stories & human experiences.

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